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7 藥品
8 酵素
13 儀器


Gentamicin L-Glutamine Solution
產品名稱 Gentamicin L-Glutamine Solution
產品編號 A006 
產品規格 100 mL
廠    牌 Biokit


Gentamicin is a broad spectrum bacteriocidal agent of aminoglycoside group and is effective against Gram positive bacteria and Gram negative bacteria. It is a mixture of the three major components C1 , C1a and C2 . The ratio of the three components is as follows: C1 - 25 - 50% 、C2 - 25 - 55%、 C1a -10 - 35%

Gentamicin binds to four nucleotides of 16S rRNA and a single amino acid of protein S12. This interferes with decoding site in the vicinity of nucleotide 1400 in 16S rRNA of 30S subunit. This region interacts with the wobble base in the anticodon of tRNA. This leads to interference with the initiation complex, misreading of mRNA so incorrect amino acids are inserted into the polypeptide leading to nonfunctional or toxic peptides and the breakup of polysomes into nonfunctional monosomes. L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid required by all mammalian and insect cells grown in culture. It functions as an additional source of carbon and energy.

A006 is sterile filtered solution formulated to contain 200mM L-glutamine and 5mg gentamicin per ml.



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