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7 藥品
8 酵素
13 儀器


Sodium Pyruvate Solution 100mM
產品名稱 Sodium Pyruvate Solution 100mM
產品編號 BCL015
產品規格 100 mL x 5
廠    牌  biokit

Pyruvate is a key intersection in the network of metabolic pathways. Pyruvate is an intermediary organic acid metabolite in glycolysis and the EMP pathway. It initiates the Kreb's cycle and is thus involved in the production of ATP within the cell. Addition of Sodium pyruvate to tissue culture medium provides both an energy source and a carbon skeleton for anabolic processes. It helps in maintaining certain specialized cells and necessary when the serum concentration is reduced in the medium. It may also have a protective effect against hydrogen peroxide.

BCL015 is a 100mM solution of sodium pyruvate prepared in cell culture grade water. It is commonly used at a concentration of 1mM in cell culture applications.


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