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7 藥品
8 酵素
13 儀器


產品名稱 : HEPPS
產品編號 : CH 16052-06-5
產品規格 : 100 g 
廠      牌 : Chumeia


N- (2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine-n-3-propanesulfonic acid
English name:HEPPS;EPPS;HEPE;N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N′-(3-propanesulfonic acid);4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinepropanesulfonic acid;3-[4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine]propanesulfonic acid

Other names: 4- (2-hydroxyethyl) - 1-piperazine propanesulfonic acid; 3-[4- (hydroxyethyl) - 1-piperazinyl] propanesulfonic acid; 4-hydroxyethyl piperazine propionic acid; N- (2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine-n'-3-propanesulfonic acid; Hydroxyethyl piperazine propane

CAS No.: 16052-06-5


Grade: br

Content: ≥ 99.0%

pH (1%, Water) @25C:5.0~6.5

Melting point: 240 ~ 244 ℃

Heavy metals: ≤ 5ppm

Physicochemical properties (the following information is for reference only): white powder. pKa:8.0

Usage: This product is only for scientific research, and cannot be used for other purposes. Hepps has many characteristics similar to HEPES. Because of its high buffer range, it is suitable for phosphorylation reaction, especially when Tricine cannot be used. Hepps can be used in the detection of Folin protein, but it cannot be used in the detection of biuret.

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總公司營業部 苗栗縣頭份市幼英街20號  電話:037-668590  傳真:037-681509  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
台北分公司 新北市板橋區中正路341巷24號1F  電話:02-29655160  傳真:02-29654103  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
新竹分公司 新竹市北區四維路130號5樓  電話:03-526-1560  傳真:037-626195  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
台中分公司 台中市西屯區大墩18街195號3樓  電話:04-23102509  傳真:04-23100366  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
高雄分公司 高雄市左營區立文路77號4樓  電話:07-9745081  傳真:07-9745077  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
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