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產品名稱  Healthview Nucleic Acid Stain
 1 mL/vial
廠    牌


Recommended use : 5µl HealthView Nucleic Acid Stain for 100 mL agarose gel solution

Storage : Store at  4 oC

Description :

HealthView Nucleic Acid Stain is a new and safe nucleic acid stain reagent. It can be used to replace the ethidium bromide stain (EtBr) for detecting double- strand DNA, single-strand DNA and RNA in agarose gels. When HealthViewTM Nucleic Acid  Stain  bound  to  dsDNA,  it  emits   green  fluorescence  or  red fluorescence when bound to ssDNA or RNA. HealthViewTM Nucleic Acid Stain is as  sensitive  as  EtBr,  and  the  stain in protocol  is  also  similar  to  EtBr. HealthViewTM Nucleic Acid Stain is unlike the EtBr, know as a strong mutagen, it causes fewer mutations in Ames test, and has negative results in mouse marrow chromophilous erythrocyte micronucleus test and mouse spermary spermatocyte chromosomal aberration test, too. So HealthViewTM Nucleic Acid Stain is a better choice instead of EtBr for detecting nucleic acid in agarose gels.

Notes :

1.  The thickness of gel should be less than 0.5 cm since thick gels may decrease sensitivity.
2.  Repeated melt of gels containing  HealthViewTM Nucleic Acid Stain may cause low sensitivity.
3.  HealthViewTM Nucleic Acid Stain allows visualization of DNA (> 50 ng) in agarose gels under visible light. This eliminates the need for exposure to UV light, which can nick and damage  DNA. The intact DNA fragments purified  from  agarose  gel  can  increase  the  efficiency  of  subsequent molecular  biology  manipulations  such  as  cloning,  transformation  and transcription.

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健康染-HelathView Neucleic Acid Stain.pdf 16KB 2021/7/19 上午 10:36:40 下載


總公司營業部 苗栗縣頭份市幼英街20號  電話:037-668590  傳真:037-681509  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
台北分公司 新北市板橋區中正路341巷24號1F  電話:02-29655160  傳真:02-29654103  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
新竹分公司 新竹市北區四維路130號5樓  電話:03-526-1560  傳真:037-626195  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
台中分公司 台中市西屯區大墩18街195號3樓  電話:04-23102509  傳真:04-23100366  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
高雄分公司 高雄市左營區立文路77號4樓  電話:07-9745081  傳真:07-9745077  tina@pc-bio.com.tw
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