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7 藥品
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13 儀器


EtBr Destroyer
EtBr Destroyer
產品名稱 EtBr Destroyer
 500 mL
廠    牌


Introduction : 

Intercalating dyes, such as ethidium bromide, propidium iodide, and Hoechst series dyes are well known nucleic acid indicators, which are extensively used in biotechnical detecting systems. However, these dyes are harmful weather in human bodied or in the environment because of the disruption of DNA replication, expression, or repair mechanisms in living cells. As a result, these dye are must be post-treated well before disposed to destroy the mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. EtBR destroyer is designed for destruction of these Intercalating dyes based on the chemically characteristics. In our test, EtBR destroyer not only can destroy ethidium bromide, but also breaks propidium iodide, and Hoechst series dyes down as well, even though these dyes have different excitation and emission wavelengths.

Caution : 

1. Inflammative! Please avoid mixing EtBR destroyer with strong acid, basic solutions, or strong oxidants.
2. Irritative! Please wear gloves and goggles to avoid skin-contact before operation.


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