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7 藥品
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13 儀器


LB Broth-500g
LB Broth-500g
產品名稱  LB Broth
 500 g 
廠    牌

Luria Broth is one of the many modifications, suggested by different authors, of the original formulation of Luria . This medium is generally used for molecular and genetic studies, because of its nutritive capacity and simple composition, which can be easily altered as per specific requirements. Luria Broth is the modification of the original formulation of Luria, as described by Lennox . Addition of glucose helps to prepare the complete medium formulated by Lennox. Luria Broth contains half the
concentration of sodium chloride than in Luria Broth, Miller . Therefore as per choice, the sodium chloride concentration can be altered.Luria Broth is used for the cultivation and maintenance of recombinant strains of E. coli , originally derived from E.coli strain K12, deficient in B vitamin production. These stains are specifically mutated to create an auxotrophic strain, unable to grow on a nutritionally deficient medium.Luria Broth is a nutritionally rich medium due to the presence of casein enzymic hydrolysate and yeast extract. This allows therecombinant strains of E. coli to grow more rapidly since all the nutrients and essential growth nutrients required by thesestrains are readily available to them and they dont need to synthesize it themselves including B-vitamin . Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic equilibrium.


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